Areeba Khan
Welcome to my Honors Portfolio!

About Me
Hi everyone! My name is Areeba Khan and I am a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati. I am in the Medical Sciences program and I am minoring in Psychology and Public Health. I am from Louisville, Kentucky, which is around an hour and a half from UC. I am very passionate about medical exploration, campus involvement, and helping to break educational barriers.
Throughout my journey at UC, I hope to be able to grow as a leader and take advantage of every opportunity offered to me to help me grow. I have been able to grow my leadership skills through my positions as a Co-President of the South Asian American Student Association, The Public Relations Chair of Refuge UC, the Co-Director of Programming for Refuge UC, and the Director of Campaigns of Globemed UC.
The University Honors Program has made so many different opportunities to explore my passions that I am so excited to take advantage of. I hope to be able to work as a physician for underserved communities in the future, and the Honors Program will help me reach my goals!